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How to Post on Instagram from a PC or MAC

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Instagram allows the users to post any media content from mobile devices with an ease. People with basic technical knowledge can quickly post anything from any mobile device on Instagram. The real challenge comes when we talk about posting content from a PC or a MAC. Instagram does not allow the users to directly post content from these devices. For publishing any content from a PC or a MAC, certain steps are required to follow which are discussed as under: –


Tailwind is an amazing software that eradicates the problem of how to post content on Instagram from a PC or a MAC. It is one of the safest and most secure tools that provide a solution to these problems. The software available in tailwind allows the user to access it from any web browsers. It needs three clicks i.e. 1) To send images into Instagram 2) Paste the caption and 3) To post it. With the help of these clicks, from the desktop itself, you can easily post your content to Instagram. Additionally, you can also manage your content and sync it between different devices with the help of this software.


These tools allow the users to first collect and upload the content in the tool itself (i.e. Buffer or Later). After that the post feeds can be planned and scheduled. Finally posts are published directly to the Instagram account.


The steps required to post content to Instagram via Hootsuite are given below:-

  • Create a Hootsuite account or log in to it if created already.
  • Click on NEW POST button present at the top.
  • An option appears named “POST TO”. Under this option, select Instagram account (if added). If Instagram is not added then, add it by clicking “+ADD A SOCIAL NETWORK”.
  • Add the media content you want to post in the MEDIA section. The images/videos can also be edited with the help of editors available.
  • Add the caption and/or any hashtags required in the TEXT section.
  • Review the things and click on either POST NOW for instant posting or SCHEDULE FOR LATER to post it at a later time.

You can also use some other tools like Creator Studio and Developer’s tools to post content on Instagram via a desktop.


To use this browser, follow the steps: –

  • Visit the main Instagram page from the safari browser.
  • Go to PREFERENCES and then click ADVANCED.
  • Click the SHOW DEVELOP MENU in the menu bar.
  • Click on USER AGENT in the develop menu and choose the mobile interface.
  • Once the choice is made, the page will be refreshed. You can now post any content from your MAC like the way you do from your mobile device.

Why post on Instagram?

Instagram is one of the most famous Social media platforms that has gained much popularity in the recent years. Every day billions of users use the platform to showcase their talents or establish their business. It provides information from any parts of the world to any parts of the world within seconds. It increases the interactions among people and this makes it as one of the best recreational sites available on the internet too. Apart from this, users can also buy things from this site and sell their products. These qualities make the platform more user-friendly and therefore, to increase social engagements, people post different media content on Instagram. Try it and you will fall in love with the platform.

Best way to post on Instagram from a desktop or Laptop

  • How to post on Instagram through buffer?

Follow the steps to post on Instagram through buffer: –

  • Set up a buffer account with the Instagram business account.
  • Click on connect your social accounts from the buffer dashboard and follow the instructions given to set up the Instagram accounts.
  • Click on “I’ve enabled Push Notifications”.
  • Click on “Yes, let’s do it!”
  • Click on “Continue and Authenticate with Facebook”. Follow the instructions given thereafter. Your Business Instagram account is successfully connected to buffer.
  • Now, go to the WORKSPACE SETTINGS and then SOCIAL CHANNELS. Choose the Instagram channel from the list that follows and click on “AUTHORIZE WITH BUFFER”.
  • Authorize the buffer to post to Instagram by following the instructions given.
  • Once all the above steps are successfully completed, you can start creating content and post them.
  • How to post on Instagram from Later?

Follow the steps to post on Instagram through Later: –

  • First of all you need to collect your content and upload them to Later.
  • Secondly, Schedule your Instagram posts.
  • Thirdly, plan your Instagram feed by using some tools to get a feed that looks perfect.
  • Finally, enable “AUTO PUBLISH WITH LATER” and the posts will be published to Instagram automatically.
  • How to post on Instagram through Tailwind app?

Follow these basic steps to post on Instagram through Tailwind app: –

  • Open the tailwind app, click on the “CREATE NEW POST” and then “UPLOAD MEDIA” or “MULTIPLE MEDIA” to upload multiple images or “STOCK PHOTO”.
  • Select the photos you want to post.
  • Edit the images.
  • Write the caption for the image.
  • Add Hashtags.
  • Schedule the best time to post the content.
  • Enable the push notification on your mobile device and then post.
  • How to post on Instagram from Chrome?

Follow the steps to post content on Instagram through chrome.

  • Go to the main page of Instagram on your chrome browser.
  • Tap the three dots and go the settings.
  • Click on MORE TOOLS and then on DEVELOPER’S TOOLS.
  • Tap the mobile button on the window that appears.
  • Select the mobile interface, you would like to use from the menu that drops down.
  • Refresh the page after choosing the mobile interface.

You can now post content on Instagram in the same way you do from your phone.

  • How can you post content on Instagram from a MAC device?

You can post on Instagram from a MAC with the help of the default browser of MAC i.e. SAFARI. Follow the steps to post content on Instagram through safari.

  • Visit the main Instagram page from the safari browser.
  • Go to PREFERENCES and then click ADVANCED.
  • Click the SHOW DEVELOP MENU in the menu bar.
  • Click on USER AGENT in the develop menu and choose the mobile interface.
  • Once the choice is made, the page will be refreshed. You can now post any content from your MAC like the way you do from your mobile device.

What are the Instagram image/video posts requirements?

There are many types of image/video posts that can be posted on Instagram each with different sizes. Let us see the sizes and aspect ratios of different image posts.

IMAGE SIZE- 320 x 1080px                

Aspect ratio – between 1.91:1 and 4:5 (the height is in between 566 and 1350 px while the width is 1080 px)

SQUARE PHOTOS- 1080 x 1080 px.

VERTICAL PHOTOS -1080 x 1350 px.

LANDSCAPE PHOTOS – 1200 x 628 px.

Post the images with the highest possible resolutions to create the best quality posts.


Instagram supports videos with maximum dimensions of 1080 x 1920 pixels. The videos with these dimensions i.e. 1080 pixels wide and 1920 pixels tall have the best video quality embedded in it. However, the video dimension of 864 X 1080 pixels is also highly recommended for the users. The aspect ratio of a good Instagram video is 9:16 which is the standard size of most of the Smartphone screens available on the market. However the aspect ratio can be anything between 1.91:1 and 4:5. The former is the aspect ratio of portrait mode while the latter is the aspect ratio of landscape mode.

Instagram editorial Calendar

Before you decide to plan any content, brainstorm tactics or create Instagram campaign, follow the steps listed below that will help your efforts to get the highest ROI delivered.




First and foremost, a user must set the goals for Instagram for better engagements. Some of the main points are: –

  • Engaging your audience: – Think of ideas that will help your content to get more engagements.
  • Provide outstanding customer service: – Customer service is one of the main characteristics of any business. A business with better customer service gets the maximum attractions
  • Sell products on social media platforms: – Try to use as many social media platforms as possible for selling your products.
  • Increase brand awareness: – Increase the brand awareness for your business for better engagements.
  • Boost web traffic and conversions: – find out all the possible solutions to boost the web traffic and conversion rate of the business.
  • Follow the top social media goals for brands: – Try to use all the top social media hacks and goals for better brand engagements.


For a business to grow, you must keep a track of all the necessary parameters like

  • People reached
  • Organic vs paid research
  • Total engagements
  • Total reactions
  • Likes, comments and shares.
  • Link clicks
  • Video views
  • Average watch time.
  • Conversion rate and others.

This tracking will give you an in depth knowledge of where your business stands and you can plan accordingly.


You must identify the audience first that will be attracted to your posts and business. Following parameters can help you identify your target audiences.

  • Personal statement: – a quote can be written that describes your brand’s relationship with the user.
  • Demographics: – it mainly includes the location, name, age, gender, profession, education like parameters.
  • Personality traits: – Think of the characteristics that will help you to serve the customers in the best way.
  • Motivations: – Find the factors that can influence the customer’s decision making.
  • Preferred social media channels: – Find out how the customer spends his/her time on the social media.
  • Goals: – Research the problems that the customers need to get fixed and the benefits that might appeal to them most.
  • Preferred brands and influencers: – Find out the brands and influencers, the customer trusts the most.


Analysis of the competitors can greatly help you to grow satisfactorily. Research and find answers for the questions given below: –

  • What are the social networks, the competitors are using?
  • How are they using those networks to increase their growth and revenues?
  • What disadvantages they are having?
  • Which social media platforms drive them the highest engagement rates?
  • What topics and content they are focused on?

Make a report of all these questions and answers and start working accordingly.


It is one of the best tactics to analyze your own business to find out the possible faults and improve them. Adjust your strategies to reduce the “OVERWHELM” and produce the highest ROI.



What is the Perfect time to post any content on Instagram and the chance of getting more attention?

It is indeed true that you can post the content at any time on Instagram but, for getting more attention, it is recommended to follow some proper time specifications that can increase your chances of getting better visibility.


How Covid Affects Best Posting Times For 2021?

Best Times to Post any content on Instagram that is followed by the most Brands.

Best Times to Post Photos on Instagram.

Best Times to Post Videos on Instagram.

Best Times to Post Videos on IGTV.

Best Times to Post Instagram Stories.

Best Times to Post Instagram Live Videos.




Covid 19 as we all now has engulfed the whole world with sickness, poverty and fear; users as a result got diverted from the platform and gave more importance in viewing covid related facts, awareness and health tips. Therefore, the best posting time changed from time to time during this pandemic. However, with the decreasing trend of the zoonotic disease, everything is coming back to normalcy and the platform is regaining the best posting time that was prevailing earlier.


Most brands post content on Instagram by being updated with the best time to post on the platform discussed in the next content.


As per the new trends i.e. of 2021, the best time to post on Instagram is between 10 AM and 3 PM. The best days are from Monday to Friday while the worst day is Sunday and the worst time is between 10 pm to 8 am. The engagements generated during this time are too low to gain enough profits. The second best time is between 5- 6 pm while the third best time is between 7-8 pm.


The best time to post videos on the Instagram is generally between 9pm and 8am. However, the lunch time i.e. 11am to 1pm and the time people finish their work i.e. between 7pm and 9pm also have high engagements.


The times that are currently the best times are Monday to Thursday from 8 pm to 10 pm. The time 8pm on Wednesday has 68% probability of having the best engagement.


The best time to post Instagram stories is between 2pm and 3pm on Thursday, 11 am on Wednesday and 10-11 am on Friday.


As per many surveys and researches, it is suggested to go live Monday to Friday at 12pm or at night from 7pm to 9pm.

Additionally, apart from all these times, it is also recommended to post content between 7am and 9am as mostly people tend to open their accounts immediately after they wake up. Experiment with all these times and follow your analytics closely to determine whether your ideal posting times vary. If you follow the best times to post on Instagram, you can increase the traffic highly.

Instagram Auto-publish post scheduler

The tool helps in scheduling the best time to post content on Instagram. You can simply schedule the time and the tool will automatically post it on the platform at the scheduled time. It also helps in optimizing the publishing time for maximum reach.




Instagram is a very useful platform, even for the business owners. Use the correct tools, methodologies and time frames to give your business a kick start. Don’t waste time and start utilizing the resources to establish a great business.

Hari Gopinath

Growth Marketing Evangelist.

About the author:

Hari Gopinath is a results-driven digital marketing expert with 14 years of experience across global markets.

Specializing in growth marketing and e-commerce strategies, he has consistently delivered remarkable results, including 200% traffic growth and 1000% keyword ranking improvements.

As a versatile leader, Hari excels at building high-performing teams, optimizing conversion rates, and implementing innovative marketing techniques that drive significant business growth and digital transformation.


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