Director, Digital Marketing

Marketer. Writer. Artist

As a Digital Marketing Specialist with more than 14 years’ experience in visualization, design and digital marketing, I have delivered traffic, leads and sales for organizations across multiple verticals.

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What is Rocket Reach and How to use it in 2021

Want to know what RocketReach is and who you can use it? Rocket Reach is an application used for finding email ids and contact information of prospects for outreach programs. Even though we are in the age of information overload it is still difficult to find the right...

Best Ways to Download YouTube Videos

If you have been trying to download YouTube Videos and find it to be a difficult task, you are reading the right post. YouTube—One of the most popular and on-demand video platforms in the world envisions nearly 30 million visitors each day who watch 5 billion videos...

What I Do Best

Content Marketing

Performance Marketing

Conversion Rate Optimization